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Spiritual Gift Analysis


This guide in discovering your spiritual gifts should not be viewed as a test. The only "right" answers here are honest answers. The answers you provide will help you find your areas of strength within the realm of Christian service.

This test consists of 90 questions. Score each question by carefully reading, then choosing the most appropriate answer. (Note: Some questions may seem redundant, but they aren't really.)

Once you click submit, you'll be presented with the results immediately! You'll also be given a link so that you can revisit this activity again, with your answers already filled in.

(Tip: If you'd like to see how this works before putting in your actual answers, you can try it with random answers.)


This questionnaire has been adapted from the work found here: http://www.crcbermuda.com/bible/spiritual-gifts. We added the questionnaire here for easy input and tabulation.

The statements below have been satisfactorily experienced in my life, or I believe I have the ability for these:

1 Easily delegating important responsibility to others.

2 Clearly perceiving the difference between truth and error.

3 Leading others to a decision for salvation through faith in Christ.

4 Verbally encouraging the wavering, troubled or discouraged.

5 Believing God will keep His promises in spite of circumstantial evidence.

6 Managing money well in order to give liberally to the Lord’s work.

7 In the name of the Lord, curing diseases.

8 Assisting key leaders to relieve them for their essential job.

9 Providing food/lodging graciously to those in need.

10 When praying for others, I often lose track of the time.

11 Having ability to discover new truths for myself.

12 Persuading others to move toward achieving biblical objectives.

13 Working joyfully with persons ignored by the majority.

14 Adapting easily in a culture different from mine.

15 Enjoying the responsibility for the spiritual growth of a group of Christians.

16 Enjoy being called upon to do special jobs around the church.

17 Enabling persons to learn biblical truths in detail.

18 Applying truth effectively in my own life.

19 Able to organize ideas, people, things and time for more effective ministry.

20 Judging well between what is poor and what is good (or evil and good).

21 Sharing joyfully how Christ has brought me to Himself.

22 Being an instrument for dislodging the complacent and redirecting the wayward to face spiritual reality.

23 Generally being more excited about the future than the past.

24 Giving things or money liberally to the Lord’s work.

25 In the name of the Lord, healing the emotionally disturbed.

26 Ushering or cleaning up at a church related facility.

27 Providing a gracious haven for guests.

28 Taking prayer requests more seriously than other Christians seem to.

29 Having insights of truth which bring conviction to other Christians.

30 Knowing where I am going and seeing other Christians follow me.

31 Aiding the undeserving.

32 Learning well another language in order to minister to a different people.

33 Sacrificially giving myself for young or straying Christians.

34 Enjoy routine work at church that would bore others.

35 Explaining clearly Scriptural teaching to others.

36 Enjoy working out solutions to complicated problems.

37 Am able to set goals and make effective plans to reach them.

38 Tending to look beneath the surface and question people’s motives.

39 Explaining clearly Bible truths that point people to Jesus as the Savior.

40 Verbally challenging those who seem spiritually apathetic.

41 Trusting in the presence and power of God for the impossible.

42 Feeling deeply moved when confronted with urgent financial needs in God’s work.

43 In the name of the Lord, treating successfully those who are spiritually sick.

44 Typing, filing or recording figures or minutes for the Lord’s work.

45 Having a knack of making strangers feel at home.

46 Prayer is one of my favorite spiritual exercises.

47 Acquiring and mastering new facts and principles of Bible truth.

48 Influencing others toward accomplishing biblical goals.

49 Visiting in hospitals or retirement homes and being blessed.

50 Being able to relate well to Christians of different race, language or culture.

51 Knowing intimately and being well known by those I serve and guide.

52 Feeling satisfaction in doing menial tasks for God’s glory.

53 Making difficult biblical truths understandable to others.

54 Choosing from several biblical alternatives an option which usually works.

55 Able to lead a group in making decisions together.

56 Accurately recognizing what spiritual gift another Christian has and does not have.

57 Emphasizing a message which is primarily the Gospel of salvation.

58 Able to counsel effectively the perplexed, guilty or addicted.

59 Feeling sure I know God’s special will for the future growth of His work even when others are not.

60 Able to earn much money for giving to the Lord’s work.

61 Praying for others so that healing occurs.

62 Distributing Gospel literature and papers in my community.

63 Having a genuine graciousness and appreciation of each guest.

64 God consistently answers my prayers in a tangible way.

65 I study and read a great deal to learn biblical truths.

66 Steering others through difficulties in the Lord’s work.

67 Taking shut-ins out for a drive and assisting them in practical ways.

68 Enjoying life in a foreign country.

69 Helping needy Christians by guiding them to relevant portions of the Bible and praying with them.

70 Willing to take orders rather than give them.

71 Communicating biblical truths to others which produce changes in knowledge, attitudes, values or conduct.

72 My nominating others for positions prove to be good selections.

73 Able to recruit Christians and put them to work exercising their spiritual gifts.

74 Can see through a phony before his phoniness is clearly evident.

75 Continually seeking out unbelievers in order to win them.

76 Comforting a Christian in his affliction or suffering.

77 Trusting in the reliability of God when all looks dim.

78 Willing to maintain a lower standard or living in order to benefit God’s work.

79 Helping effectively those who are feeble-minded.

80 Happy to be a teacher’s aide in a Bible class.

81 Enjoying strangers in my house.

82 Sometimes praying when I probably should be doing other things.

83 Able to distinguish key and important facts of Scripture.

84 Others follow me because I have knowledge which contributes to the building up of my church.

85 Talking cheerfully with those in prison, or the lonely shut-in person.

86 Having ability to learn foreign languages.

87 Able to restore persons who have wandered away from their Christian community.

88 Enjoying it when others express a need for help.

89 Training Christians to be more obedient disciples of Christ.

90 Feeling an unusual presence of God when an important decision needs to be made.

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