“Creation to Restoration”


by Walter Veith

In this lecture, the transition from a perfect to a non-perfect world, the origin of death and carnivory, and the biochemical and morphological changes in animals are discussed in depth. Darwin considered parasites and carnivory as evidence for evolution. In this video, the plausibility of an opposite perspective of a fall from perfection to imperfection is discussed. This multimedia production presents startling evidence in support of the Biblical paradigm.

The Genesis Conflict Series:

  1. The Earth in Time and Space Walter Veith
  2. A Universal Flood Walter Veith
  3. Bones in Stones Walter Veith
  4. Where Mammals Reigned Walter Veith
  5. The Genes of Genesis Walter Veith
  6. Creation to Restoration Walter Veith
  7. A Day to be Remembered Walter Veith
  8. The Spade Unearths the Truth Walter Veith

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