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“A Universal Flood”


by Walter Veith

Science today denies a universal flood, as it would destroy the continuity of the fossil record in the geological column. In this video, evidence for precisely such a universal phenomenon is presented with fascinating video material from modern day catastrophes on a smaller scale. The origin of the petrified forests and their flood implications are also discussed.

The Genesis Conflict Series:

  1. The Earth in Time and Space Walter Veith
  2. A Universal Flood Walter Veith
  3. Bones in Stones Walter Veith
  4. Where Mammals Reigned Walter Veith
  5. The Genes of Genesis Walter Veith
  6. Creation to Restoration Walter Veith
  7. A Day to be Remembered Walter Veith
  8. The Spade Unearths the Truth Walter Veith

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