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“Let There Be Light”


by Walter Veith

By Martin Luther’s day, the Catholic Church was ruling the known world of Europe. It was dictating policy to kings and queens. Luther opposed the Church’s blatant misrepresentation of Christ and the Scriptures. The history of the Church was one of persecution of Christians who believed that God’s Word was infallible, not the dictates of the Papacy. In this DVD, you will trace the life Luther and see what the Church today has done to reunite the world under its authority. Ecumenism has achieved its desired result and this presentation reveals startling new developments in current religio-political thought.

Rekindling the Reformation Series:

  1. The Twin Pillars Of The Reformation Walter Veith
  2. Let There Be Light Walter Veith
  3. They Have Made Void Thy Law Part I Walter Veith
  4. The Beamable Sustainable Princes Walter Veith
  5. They Have Made Void Thy Law Part II Walter Veith
  6. The Fourth Man in the Furnace Walter Veith
  7. Heritage Of Israel Walter Veith
  8. The Jesuits and the Counter Reformation Part I Walter Veith
  9. The Jesuits and the Counter Reformation Part II Walter Veith
  10. The Typology Of Deliverance Walter Veith
  11. A Price To Be Paid Walter Veith

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