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“At The Border”

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by Phillip Sizemore

God delivered the Israelites from impossible situations time after time when leading them out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. Still they grumbled and complained, showing their unbelief. Be challenged to move forward in faith rather than lag behind in fear from the lessons the Israelites’ story provides.

For Every Truth Series:

  1. At The Border Phillip Sizemore
  2. I Told You Before Phillip Sizemore
  3. Holy Flesh Phillip Sizemore
  4. The Door was Shut Phillip Sizemore
  5. Prophetic Proof Phillip Sizemore
  6. David and Goliath Phillip Sizemore
  7. A Little Leaven Phillip Sizemore
  8. A New Name Phillip Sizemore
  9. The Man that God called God Phillip Sizemore
  10. For Every Truth Phillip Sizemore

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