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Category: Psychology

Thomas Sowell Quotes

Categories: Psychology

Thomas Sowell is a best-selling author, economist, photographer, syndicated columnist, historian, and academic. He is considered by many to be one of the greatest minds of the past half-century. Do enjoy some thought-provoking, insightful quotes from his pen.

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“Occasional Reflections” Excerpts – 1

Categories: Psychology

Here is the first set of excerpts taken from “Occasional Reflections, Principally for the Use of Schools”, written by George Dillwyn; published in 1815. These quotes are found in the first chapter (pages 3 through 28), which features an alphabetical presentation of short quotes.

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Declaration vs. Decision

Categories: Psychology

Today, let’s talk about two words… ‘Declaration’ and ‘Decision’. I like these two words, not only because they’re on the same page in my dictionary, but because they help to distinguish between a common error we make sometimes.

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