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Hymn Showcase: Washing Feet

Categories: Hymnody Music

Washing Feet is the title of Hymn #4 from Hymns for God’s Peculiar People That Keep The Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus (1849).

Metre: Long Metre Double (

Two Sabbaths ago, I visited a congregation for the first time, and we did this song. We employed the tune Retreat, which is found attached to Hymn #527 in the Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal (1985), and Hymn #241 in the Church Hymnal (1941).

Retreat is a Long Metre tune (… but Washing Feet is Long Metre Double (or L.M.D., or It can still work: we sang Retreat twice, for each verse.

Let’s instead consider two tunes that are actually Long Metre Double.

We’ll consider the tune Duane Street first. It is attached to the hymn I Saw One Weary (SDAH#441 and CH#371). CH#481, O Solemn Thought uses the very same tune.

We’ll also consider the tune Sweet Hour, attached to the hymn Sweet Hour of Prayer (SDAH#478 and CH#316).

Which of these tunes goes better with the lyrics/text for Washing Feet?

L. M. D.

1 When Jesus Christ was here below,
He taught his people what to do:
And if we would his precepts keep,
We must attend to washing feet.
For on that night he was betray’d,
He for us all a pattern laid—
Soon as his supper he did eat,
He rose and wash’d his brethren’s feet.

2 The Lord who made the earth and sky,
Arose and laid his garments by;
And wash’d their feet to show that we,
Like Christ, should always humble be.
He wash’d them all, tho’ all were clean,
Save Judas, who was full of sin.
May none of us, like Judas, sell
Our Lord for gold, and go to hell.

3 Said Peter, Lord, it shall not be;
Thou shalt not stoop to washing me:
Oh! that no Christian now may say,
I cannot Jesus’ word obey.
Ye call me Lord and Master too;
Then do as I have done to you;
All my commands and sayings keep,
And show your love by washing feet.

4 Ye shall be happy, if ye know
And do these things, by faith below;
For I’ll protect you till I come,
And then I’ll take you to your home.
The Lord of glory stoops to men,
And an example sets for them:
If in humility complete,
Salute the saints and wash their feet.

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