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Tech Tips: Antivirus

Categories: Technology

Computer viruses have been a problem for quite some time… and a good antivirus program is essential in the fight against them. Unfortunately, there is no “magic shot” that will fix this problem; any effective strategy will require sustained effort. What is your antivirus (AV) strategy?

If you choose to use Windows as your operating system (OS), then computer viruses are more of a concern to you, than users of other systems. If you use the Internet on a Windows OS, without a good antivirus strategy, you are courting disaster.

Here are some recommendations for Windows users, who cannot afford to shell out the money to adopt a top-of-the-line antivirus program right now:

5 Best (REALLY FREE) Antivirus Software for Windows [2021]

This article was a pretty decent read. Do consider the alternatives based on your needs.

This morning, I realised that an AV solution that I recommended for years is one I should have abandoned two years ago. (See

Any antivirus solution that is secretly harvesting your data (and then selling that data for profit) is one to be strenuously avoided.

We live in a time where we can no longer be lax on the important issues. Your protection and peace-of-mind in the future are based on your decisions now.

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